

My name is Kyana. I am a black, just in case you missed that. Its a huge part of me in terms of self- definition, though I’m still figuring out much of myself. More specifically: I am a black, inquisitive, frugal young female growing up in Brooklyn. I was born in Haiti and came to America at the age of five. Years flew by in a matter of seconds. Before I could even blink, there I was conjuring up my schedule for my freshmen year of college. I looked for a class of interest, something that spoke to me. Social Media and Black and Latino Communities.

I love Social Media especially Instagram. I probably take over 300 selfies on a day where I’m “feeling myself” or my outfit. Social media can be a letter reconnecting with a childhood friend or distant family, a laugh, a good morning to make you day but yet, can also sat I hate social media. I honesty really feel as if social media is destructive to my race and people. It shines a negative light on our faults, mishaps, low points and lack or morals. Sometimes, I momentarily delete the Facebook app from my phone because some of things I see on Facebook truly impact me in such a negative way. The fight videos, twerking, and explicit things that males post to expose females, constant blows to each others self-esteem, etc. Its a if some sites are there just to breakdown our communities and continue to drag our skin through the dirt, prime example being World Star Hiphop. Sometimes I just want to scream. Why are we so lost ?! What is this bottomless pit of a complex that we have that shines through social media?! BUT before I type up a novel with a sequel, in a nutshell, I took this class and made this blog because i want to level with people. I want to know if they see it too. I want to know what others think about social media and if I’m missing the silver lining of the dark and ratchet cloud. The cloud that seems to solidify so many black/minority stereotypes. A lot of us are so lost.

Is it JUST Me?

Hopefully, this class will be an answer.

*We- minorities

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